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Manuel de conception de l'Infobase Santé

  Table des matières

Carte thermique

Une carte thermique est une représentation visuelle des données qui utilise la couleur pour montrer les valeurs de 2 ou plusieurs variables.

Quand utiliser cette composante

  • Pour montrer la relation entre 2 ou plusieurs variables.
  • Pour montrer la distribution des données en deux ou plusieurs dimensions.
  • Pour identifier les tendances ou les motifs dans les données.


  • Une carte thermique montrant la distribution d'un facteur de risque pour une maladie, tel que l'obésité ou la consommation de tabac.
  • Une carte thermique montrant la distribution de la consommation d'antimicrobiens par province.

Quoi éviter

  • N'utilisez pas les cartes thermiques pour montrer des données qui n'ont pas une valeur numérique claire.
  • N'utilisez pas les cartes thermiques pour montrer des données avec des unités ou des échelles différentes.

Design et code

<!-- Ajouter la bibliothèque D3 dans la section head -->
  <script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v7.min.js"></script>
  <!-- Ajouter ce div dans la section où vous voulez ajouter le graphique -->
  <div id="scatterGraph"></div>
    // dimensions and margins 
    const margin = {top: 50, right: 30, bottom: 70, left: 100},
      width = 600 - margin.left - margin.right,
      height = 600 - margin.top - margin.bottom;
    // append the svg 
    const svg = d3.select("#heatMapGraph")
      .attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
      .attr("height", height + margin.top + margin.bottom)
      .attr("transform", `translate(${margin.left},${margin.top})`);
    // row and columns
    const months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
    const years = ["2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009"]
    // aAxis
    const x = d3.scaleBand()
      .range([ 0, width ])
      .attr("transform", `translate(0, ${height})`)
    // yAxis
    const y = d3.scaleBand()
      .range([ height, 0 ])
    // graph title  
        .attr("text-anchor", "end")
        .attr("x", width/2 + margin.left + 50)
        .attr("y", -10)
        .style("font-size", "24px")
        .text("Température moyenne en °C");
    // xAxis label 
        .attr("text-anchor", "end")
        .attr("x", width/2 + margin.left - 40)
        .attr("y", height + margin.top + 0)
        .style("font-size", "23px")
    // yAxis label
        .attr("text-anchor", "end")
        .attr("transform", "rotate(-90)")
        .attr("y", -margin.left + 45)
        .attr("x", -margin.top - height/2 + 60)
          .style("font-size", "23px")
    // Build color scale
    const myColor = d3.scaleLinear()
      .range(["white", "#EB5F44"])
    //dummy data
    let data = [
          "month": "Jan",
          "year": "2000",
          "value": "30"
          "month": "Jan",
          "year": "2001",
          "value": "95"
          "month": "Jan",
          "year": "2002",
          "value": "22"
          "month": "Jan",
          "year": "2003",
          "value": "14"
          "month": "Jan",
          "year": "2004",
          "value": "59"
          "month": "Jan",
          "year": "2005",
          "value": "52"
          "month": "Jan",
          "year": "2006",
          "value": "88"
          "month": "Jan",
          "year": "2007",
          "value": "20"
          "month": "Jan",
          "year": "2008",
          "value": "99"
          "month": "Jan",
          "year": "2009",
          "value": "66"
          "month": "Feb",
          "year": "2000",
          "value": "37"
          "month": "Feb",
          "year": "2001",
          "value": "50"
          "month": "Feb",
          "year": "2002",
          "value": "81"
          "month": "Feb",
          "year": "2003",
          "value": "79"
          "month": "Feb",
          "year": "2004",
          "value": "84"
          "month": "Feb",
          "year": "2005",
          "value": "91"
          "month": "Feb",
          "year": "2006",
          "value": "82"
          "month": "Feb",
          "year": "2007",
          "value": "89"
          "month": "Feb",
          "year": "2008",
          "value": "6"
          "month": "Feb",
          "year": "2009",
          "value": "67"
          "month": "Mar",
          "year": "2000",
          "value": "96"
          "month": "Mar",
          "year": "2001",
          "value": "13"
          "month": "Mar",
          "year": "2002",
          "value": "98"
          "month": "Mar",
          "year": "2003",
          "value": "10"
          "month": "Mar",
          "year": "2004",
          "value": "86"
          "month": "Mar",
          "year": "2005",
          "value": "23"
          "month": "Mar",
          "year": "2006",
          "value": "74"
          "month": "Mar",
          "year": "2007",
          "value": "47"
          "month": "Mar",
          "year": "2008",
          "value": "73"
          "month": "Mar",
          "year": "2009",
          "value": "40"
          "month": "Apr",
          "year": "2000",
          "value": "75"
          "month": "Apr",
          "year": "2001",
          "value": "18"
          "month": "Apr",
          "year": "2002",
          "value": "92"
          "month": "Apr",
          "year": "2003",
          "value": "43"
          "month": "Apr",
          "year": "2004",
          "value": "16"
          "month": "Apr",
          "year": "2005",
          "value": "27"
          "month": "Apr",
          "year": "2006",
          "value": "76"
          "month": "Apr",
          "year": "2007",
          "value": "24"
          "month": "Apr",
          "year": "2008",
          "value": "1"
          "month": "Apr",
          "year": "2009",
          "value": "87"
          "month": "May",
          "year": "2000",
          "value": "44"
          "month": "May",
          "year": "2001",
          "value": "29"
          "month": "May",
          "year": "2002",
          "value": "58"
          "month": "May",
          "year": "2003",
          "value": "55"
          "month": "May",
          "year": "2004",
          "value": "65"
          "month": "May",
          "year": "2005",
          "value": "56"
          "month": "May",
          "year": "2006",
          "value": "9"
          "month": "May",
          "year": "2007",
          "value": "78"
          "month": "May",
          "year": "2008",
          "value": "49"
          "month": "May",
          "year": "2009",
          "value": "36"
          "month": "Jun",
          "year": "2000",
          "value": "35"
          "month": "Jun",
          "year": "2001",
          "value": "80"
          "month": "Jun",
          "year": "2002",
          "value": "8"
          "month": "Jun",
          "year": "2003",
          "value": "46"
          "month": "Jun",
          "year": "2004",
          "value": "48"
          "month": "Jun",
          "year": "2005",
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          "month": "Jun",
          "year": "2006",
          "value": "17"
          "month": "Jun",
          "year": "2007",
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          "month": "Jun",
          "year": "2008",
          "value": "33"
          "month": "Jun",
          "year": "2009",
          "value": "11"
          "month": "Jul",
          "year": "2000",
          "value": "77"
          "month": "Jul",
          "year": "2001",
          "value": "62"
          "month": "Jul",
          "year": "2002",
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          "year": "2003",
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          "month": "Jul",
          "year": "2005",
          "value": "63"
          "month": "Jul",
          "year": "2006",
          "value": "61"
          "month": "Jul",
          "year": "2007",
          "value": "54"
          "month": "Jul",
          "year": "2008",
          "value": "38"
          "month": "Jul",
          "year": "2009",
          "value": "93"
          "month": "Aug",
          "year": "2000",
          "value": "39"
          "month": "Aug",
          "year": "2001",
          "value": "26"
          "month": "Aug",
          "year": "2002",
          "value": "90"
          "month": "Aug",
          "year": "2003",
          "value": "83"
          "month": "Aug",
          "year": "2004",
          "value": "31"
          "month": "Aug",
          "year": "2005",
          "value": "2"
          "month": "Aug",
          "year": "2006",
          "value": "51"
          "month": "Aug",
          "year": "2007",
          "value": "28"
          "month": "Aug",
          "year": "2008",
          "value": "42"
          "month": "Aug",
          "year": "2009",
          "value": "7"
          "month": "Sep",
          "year": "2000",
          "value": "5"
          "month": "Sep",
          "year": "2001",
          "value": "60"
          "month": "Sep",
          "year": "2002",
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          "month": "Sep",
          "year": "2003",
          "value": "25"
          "month": "Sep",
          "year": "2004",
          "value": "3"
          "month": "Sep",
          "year": "2005",
          "value": "70"
          "month": "Sep",
          "year": "2006",
          "value": "34"
          "month": "Sep",
          "year": "2007",
          "value": "68"
          "month": "Sep",
          "year": "2008",
          "value": "57"
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          "year": "2009",
          "value": "32"
          "month": "Oct",
          "year": "2000",
          "value": "19"
          "month": "Oct",
          "year": "2001",
          "value": "85"
          "month": "Oct",
          "year": "2002",
          "value": "53"
          "month": "Oct",
          "year": "2003",
          "value": "45"
          "month": "Oct",
          "year": "2004",
          "value": "71"
          "month": "Oct",
          "year": "2005",
          "value": "64"
          "month": "Oct",
          "year": "2006",
          "value": "4"
          "month": "Oct",
          "year": "2007",
          "value": "12"
          "month": "Oct",
          "year": "2008",
          "value": "97"
          "month": "Oct",
          "year": "2009",
          "value": "72"
          "month": "Nov",
          "year": "2000",
          "value": "19"
          "month": "Nov",
          "year": "2001",
          "value": "85"
          "month": "Nov",
          "year": "2002",
          "value": "53"
          "month": "Nov",
          "year": "2003",
          "value": "45"
          "month": "Nov",
          "year": "2004",
          "value": "71"
          "month": "Nov",
          "year": "2005",
          "value": "64"
          "month": "Nov",
          "year": "2006",
          "value": "4"
          "month": "Nov",
          "year": "2007",
          "value": "12"
          "month": "Nov",
          "year": "2008",
          "value": "97"
          "month": "Nov",
          "year": "2009",
          "value": "72"
          "month": "Dec",
          "year": "2000",
          "value": "19"
          "month": "Dec",
          "year": "2001",
          "value": "85"
          "month": "Dec",
          "year": "2002",
          "value": "53"
          "month": "Dec",
          "year": "2003",
          "value": "45"
          "month": "Dec",
          "year": "2004",
          "value": "71"
          "month": "Dec",
          "year": "2005",
          "value": "64"
          "month": "Dec",
          "year": "2006",
          "value": "4"
          "month": "Dec",
          "year": "2007",
          "value": "12"
          "month": "Dec",
          "year": "2008",
          "value": "97"
          "month": "Dec",
          "year": "2009",
          "value": "72"
          .data(data, function(d) {return d.month+':'+d.year;})
          .attr("x", function(d) { return x(d.month) })
          .attr("y", function(d) { return y(d.year) })
          .attr("width", x.bandwidth() )
          .attr("height", y.bandwidth() )
          .style("fill", function(d) { return myColor(d.value)} )

Lignes directrices sur le contenu et le design

Lignes directrices sur l'accessibilité

  • Fournissez un tableau de données avec le graphique.
  • Si la carte thermique raconte une histoire claire, incluez cette histoire dans le texte alternatif. Par exemple, si la carte thermique montre une relation ou une distribution de données claires, décrivez-la dans le texte alternatif.
  • Suivez les lignes directrices générales sur l'accessibilité.
Date de modification :